[This is a monthly archive of pieces written byJadaliyya contributors and editors on the Occupations, Interventions,and Law (O.I.L.) Page. It also includes material published on other platforms that editors deemed pertinent to post as they provide diverse depictions of O.I.L.-related topics. The pieces reflect the level of critical analysis and diversity that Jadaliyyastrives for, but the views are solely the ones of their authors. If you are interested in contributing to Jadaliyya, send us your post with your bio and a release form to post@jadaliyya.com [click "Submissions" on the main page for more information]

Press Release: University of Michigan Activists Respond to Divestment Resolution Vote, Jadaliyya Reports
A press release issued by the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor chapter of Students Allied for Freedom and Equality.

Return Unifies Us: Global Day Of Action For And By Palestinian Refugees, Coordinators for the March 22 Day of Action on Return
A photo-essay on a number of events around the world held due to a "Call to Action" on the right of return.

The Next Round in Gaza, Jadaliyya Reports
A report issued by the International Crisis Group.

غزة في أعمال الفنانة الفلسطينية رنا بشارة, Abdullah AlBayyari
AlBayyari discusses the role Gaza plays in the work of Palestinian artist Rana Bishara for the Jadaliyya series on "Voices for Gaza."

Confronting the Human Rights Crises Left in the Wake of the Iraq War, Jadaliyya Reports
A briefing written by Jeena Shah and published by the Center for Constitutional Rights.

Lebanese Lawyers and the State: Dispute, Collusion, Cooperation?, Jadaliyya Reports
A report on a conference held at Institut français du Proche-Orient. 

Structural Violence on Trial: BDS and the Movement to Resist Erasure, Noura Erakat
Jadaliyya publishes co-Editor Erakat`s contribution to a Los Angeles Review of Books forum on "Academic Activism: Israelis, Palestinians, and the Ethics of Boycott."

Call for Papers: Understanding Israeli Practices of Forced Displacement and Settler Colonialism in the OPT (Deadline: 1 May), Jadaliyya Reports
The Journal of Internal Displacement places a call for papers.

الحركة النسوية الفلسطينية بعد أوسلو: حصادٌ مرّ في تمكين الذات وفي تحرير الوطن, Islah Jad
Jad reports on Palestinian women`s movements in the wake of the Oslo Accords for the Jadaliyya series on "Voices for Gaza."

Joint Statement: Palestinian NGOs in Israel Reject the "Sectarian Representation Law", Jadaliyya Reports
A statement issued by a group of Palestinian NGOs and published by Adalah Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel.

هل ما زال قطاع غزة محتلا؟ وما جدوى السؤال, Lisa Hajjar
Hajjar explores the debate of whether Gaza is "occupied" for the Jadaliyya series on "Voices for Gaza."

Between Convenient Misreading and Mythology: The Iran Sanctions Regime and the Institutionalization of War, Sajjad Safaei
The P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran may be in more of a fragile state than many observers suspect, writes Safaei.

O.I.L. Media Roundup (21 March), O.I.L. Editors
A biweekly collection of pertinent articles on Occupations, Interventions, and Law published by various outlets. 

Press Release: UN Claims UAE Government Has Duty to Release UAE94, Jadaliyya Reports
A press release issued by the Alkarama Foundation.

Conference--The Past and the Future of the Legal Left: Celebrating Duncan Kennedy`s Scholarship (London, 22 May), Jadaliyya Reports
A report on a conference held at SOAS, University of London.

A Wedding That Became a Funeral: US Drone Attack on Marriage Procession in Yemen, Jadaliyya Reports
A report published by Human Rights watch.

Open Letter from NYC Iranians to Mayor de Blasio: When You Stand by AIPAC, You Do Not Stand by Us, Jadaliyya Reports
An open letter issued by a group of Iranians and Iranian-Americans living in New York City.

In Memoriam: Janet Abu-Lughod, Ahmad H. Sa`di
Sa`di euologizes sociologist Janet Abu-Lughod.

أحوال الطبّ النفسي في خصوصية غزّة المحاصرة, Ibtisam Azem
An interview with Fadel Ashour, professor of psychiatry at the University of Jerusalem, discusses the psychological burdens of war and occupation faced by the people of Gaza.,

أصوات من أجل غزة: ملف خاص, Arabic Editors
Arabic Editors of Jadaliyya provide an introduction to a series on "Voices for Gaza."

What Role for Law in the Palestinian Struggle for Liberation?, Noura Erakat
Jadaliyya co-Editor Erakat argues for ways international law can be made to work for the Palestinian people.

شبح قطاع غزّة المقيم, Mahmoud Omar
Omar reflects on the internal political climate in Gaza  for a Jadaliyya series on "Voices for Gaza."

كسر الحصار: نقد وبدائل, Haidar Eid
Eid discusses Israeli siege of Gaza for a Jadaliyya series on "Voices for Gaza."

Israel`s Arrest and Detention of Palestinian Human Rights Defenders against the Annexation Wall, Jadaliyya Reports
A report from the Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association.

Beirut Event--Syrians in Their Neighbourhood: A One-Day Symposium on the Syrian Refugee Crisis (13 March), Jadaliyya Reports
A report on a conference held at the American University of Beirut.

American Prospect Forum: Boycott, Divestment, Debate, Jadaliyya Reports
Jadaliyya features the contribution of co-Editor Noura Erakat to a recent American Prospect forum on Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions.